Wednesday 19 November 2014

Genre/ thriller

What is a genre, sub-genre and hybrid genre?
- a genre is a form of categorizing the codes ad conventions of a media product.
- a hybrid genre is multiple genres combines eg. romance comedy  (Bridget Jones)
- a sub genre is a category within a genre eg. crime thriller (The Usual Suspects)

Why is genre used?
Genre is used so that, when marketing, it can appeal to a specific audience with the knowledge that that category of people will be interested.
What are genre conventions ?
Conventions have elements that the audience expects as they have been used many times in previous films from their genre. For examples we would expect to see blood in the genre horror, or a cactus plant in western. Conventions are used so we can tell what genre we are watching. 

What is a thriller genre?
A thriller is made by conventions such as, car chases and unusual methods of murder or death. Stereotypically, thrillers will make you jump in your seat.
Examples of thrillers are: (include pictures)
shutter island (2012)
silence of the lambs (1991)
gone girl (2014)

Sub-genres of thriller?
Give the different types and include examples of texts within each sub-genre.

action thriller- these involves fast-paced , hero-centered narratives full of action and excitement. They often have elements of mystery and crime films, but these elements take a back seat to the action. Eg. die hard(1988)

conspiracy thriller- only the hero knows the truth about a particular person, group or situation, and he or she must prove it to the rest
of the world before disaster strikes and the bad guys win. Eg. the conversation (1974)

crime thriller- often focus on criminals dealing with a successful or failed crime and the suspenseful results. Common themes include robberies murders, and double crosses. Eg. sin city (2005)

 There are more examples such as: erotic thriller, legal thriller, medical thriller, psychological thrillers, political thriller, religious thriller, spy thriller, supernatural thriller.

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Hi, im Lucy and I'm a Media Studies pupil at Hurtwood House. My favourite film is Kill Bill.